Babylon Town Supervisor Rich Schaffer recently joined with Deputy Supervisor Tony Martinez and Councilman Tom Donnelly to honor Officer Avital Donnenfeld of the Suffolk County Police Department’s First Precinct for receiving the 2014 Top Cop Award from the Knights of Columbus Our Lady of the Rosary Council No. 4428. The honor of being named Top Cop is awarded every year by the Our Lady of Rosary Council to a member of local law enforcement who has displayed exceptional professionalism and is dedicated to the safety of the local community. A ceremony was held in Deer Park to honor Officer Donnenfeld for his exemplary service.
Officer Donnenfeld is an eight year veteran of the Suffolk County Police Department and is assigned to the Deer Park patrol sector of the First Precinct. In 2013, Officer Donnenfeld made 46 arrests, 28 of which were for DWI (Driving While Intoxicated). Officer Donnenfeld also made seven felony arrests, including for forcible robbery and an unlawful speed contest.
Pictured from left to right are Supervisor Schaffer; Captain Dave Regina of the Suffolk County Police Department First Precinct; Tayna Donnenfeld; Officer Donnenfeld; Councilman Donnelly; Carmine E. Soldano, Grand Knight of the Knights of Columbus Our Lady of Rosary Council No. 4428; and Deputy Supervisor Martinez.